Tasks, Routines, Dopamine, the ADHD way.

Get your tasks done, build routines, and take care of yourself all in one app.
Apple, Android, and the Web.
*Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google LLC.
The ADHDAlly Now page showing a Morning Routine, a planning Task, and a Dopamine Menu item

Built for how you are, not how you should be

With ADHD you see the world differently. Don't fight yourself. ADHDAlly is built to work with your natural chaos, everywhere you work: Web, iOS, and Android.

Don't get Overwhelmed by your Tasks

Proven tools for focusing on your most important tasks and getting everything else out of the way

Have fun and take care of yourself

With ADHD, sometimes it's even hard to do fun things. Build a menu of activities that give you a Dopamine boost to recharge and get hyped up.
ADHDAlly Now screen with a morning routine, a task for trip planning, and a Dopamine menu item for music.

Build and accomplish your Routines

Not everything should be a task. Get your laundry done, take your medication, drink water, check in with your team at work.

No Failure, Ever

You don't need any other reminders when things go wrong.

No graphs of how you did
No streaks
No recaps

Everything quietly resets so you can try again.
ADHDAlly screenshot of the task planning page showing Now, Next, and Soon categories with a task for paying bills, doing a report for work and planning a trip.

Tasks and ToDos without the overwhelm

Some tasks you remember, some tasks you forget. Welcome to Hotel ADHD.

Don't lose track of anything

You only have so much space in your brain, keep track of what you need to do so you won't need to depend on your memory. Tasks feel real with a Card-style view and a visual-spatial location in the app.

Stop obsessing and feeling overwhelmed

Use a time-tested workflow for moving low-priority tasks out of your way so you can see clearly what's important.
A routine in the ADHDAlly app for doing laundry. Checkboxes for putting clothes in the washer, Dryer, and then in the "clean" laundry basket are shown.

Build and Schedule your Routines

Not everything you need to do makes sense as a task. Water your plants, wash your sheets, grab your umbrella, take that spoon full of sugar, be (practically) perfect.

Don't miss simple but important things.

Did you take your meds? Set up a routine so you can remind yourself and double check that you got it done.

Build consistency by setting up schedules

Every Sunday is laundry day. You want to wash your dishes before you go to bed. Build a schedule so you can remind yourself.

Remember how long it's been

When do you last water your plants? Keep track so you can give them water before they turn brown.

Make a checklist

You can't just put your laundry in the washer you need to put it in the dryer too. And maybe even put it away?
A checklist will help you not miss any steps.

Dopamine FTW

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Prevent axe murdering by taking care of yourself.
Make a list so you can remember what you like to do when you're stuck.
Filter so you don't get distracted by things that aren't right for right now.
Don't get stuck when nothing feels right.
A Dopamine Menu in the ADHDAlly app. Make a coffee and Put on Music are selected for now. Filters for Dopamine menu type and other items listed below.


Getting things done can be drab. Make your list pop.
Add pictures to everything - from your camera and your files.
Color everywhere - pick a color for every item.
Make things visually distinct so you can see them easily.
The ADHDAlly app showing selected colors and images for a task for setting up a new desk for work.

Everything you need for Right Now

This is Now, Now. Everything you want to do in one place, where you need it.

Your Now page

Give your working memory a break. All the stuff you scheduled, and put at the top of your list and nothing else.

On your Phone

And on your tablet. Instant syncing of updates everywhere.

On the Web

Type on a big keyboard. Copy paste from your other apps. Your tasks right next to your work. All auto-synced to your other devices.

No Failure, Ever

Sometimes (often?) things go wrong. You're hard on yourself. You don't need any other reminders when things go wrong.

No graphs of how you did
No streaks
No recaps

Everything quietly resets so you can try again.


One Simple Subscription - 14 Days Free

No decisions, nothing to remember.

No Ads

You have enough distractions.

No Upsells

Stay focused on what you want to do and not what new things you could buy.

No Missing Features

You get everything and all new features as they are built. No roadblocks.

No Distractions

The app is here when you need it and won't spam you with notifications or try to get you to "engage" with it more than you want.

No one turned away - Need based pricing available if you can't afford it.

14 day free trial, cancel any time.