One Simple Subscription

No ads, no upselling, no distractions. Try it free for 14 days.​



  • Build your Task list
  • Decorate with colors and pictures
  • Make Checklists
  • Schedule your Routines
  • No failure - no reports, no accountability, no judgement
  • Plan your Tasks for focus
  • Remember your Routines
  • Dopamine menu for a boost
  • Now page to keep you on track
  • Built for how you are, not how you should be

14 Day Free Trial

You won't be charged anything until your free trial is over. Cancel any time.

All Features Included

You won't be locked out of anything and there won't be any upsells. All future features included. All platforms included.

Support the Developer

Software is expensive to build and servers are expensive to run. Support the developer so we can keep making the app better. We can build cool things instead of working on upselling and showing you ads.

Need Based Subscriptions

If you really can't afford the subscription we'll give you a year free (we ask that you let us know each year that you still need the free subscription). Email us and we'll set you up.

Have questions?​

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Send us an email and we'll try to help.​